The Greatest of these is Love
And now abideth faith, hope and love,
but the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13
Life has seasons, cycles, and surprises that test our patience and challenge our faith. Quite by accident, we find ourselves facing a crossroads wondering, "How did I get here? I don't know how to respond? If I follow the easy path, the safe path, I will violate everything Christ died to give me. If I follow the narrow path, I will please God, but be misunderstood and reviled by man?"
Recently I underwent the greatest test of faith since I became a Christian 34 years ago. I had to decide whether would obey God or obey man, whether I would let injustice hide in the shadows or bring it into the light. Love for souls and love for the kingdom and love for truth and justice made the decision for me. Love looks like something. Love sounds like something.
Love bears all things. Love believes all things.
Love hopes all things. Love endures all things.
Love never fails. I Corinthians 13:7-8a.
Jesus was maligned for doing right by the religious. The enemy hates the light and the truth. Jesus continued to believe and do only what He saw the Father doing. In the garden, Jesus submitted to the Father's will as the battle raged; He endured to the end.
When we are maligned for doing right, let love bear the cross. When we must protect the weak and it looks impossible, love believes on. When it is dark and the battle rages, let love hope. When we must act on the truth and cause pain to those we love for their own sakes, love's endurance is tested.
Thank you, Father, that your love never fails and always leads us into the truth which sets us free. May we be found faithful.
It is my greatest desire to hear the words from the lips of my Saviour, "Well done, my good and faithful servant." I encourage you to fight the good fight of faith to the end that you may gain the crown of life. His glorious kingdom is worth it.
With Love,