Target Practice Anyone?
Opening the door to Mouldy's Archery and Tackle (www.mouldysarchery.com), I tightened my grasp on my camo carrying case containing a...

2016: Time to Do Something
Are you ready for a new beginning in 2016? Are you ready to turn over a new leaf perhaps? Are you ready to make a change or looking for...

What Time Is It?
Life is full of paradoxes. Depending on our family situation, holidays like Thanksgiving or Christmas can be a time of joy or agony. The...

The Value of the Prophetic Voice
Mother Teresa. The image of caring for the infirm immediately jump into your imagination. Just her name, Mother Teresa, speaks of the...

The Greatest of these is Love
And now abideth faith, hope and love, but the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13 Life has seasons, cycles, and surprises that...

Are You Believing a BIG LIE?
Adolf Hitler convinced the German people they could rebuild their country and establish a superior race by propagating a lie and...

Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full?
Have you ever thought about why some people succeed and some people don't? Success begins with our thought life and how we frame what we...

Shine and Soar
What is it that makes hot air balloons so cheerful and fun? Their color and ability to rise through the air and take flight cause...

What Are Your Favorite Things?
As I came out of the local craft shop, a rustic wooden sign caught my attention: My Favorite Things Aren’t Things. I paused mid-step as...