Where is that stink coming from?
Have you ever opened the frig and turned aside from the nasty odor assaulting your nostrils? "Peeuww, that really stinks. I wonder what...

To Be Or Not To Be
Hamlet, Act 3 Scene 1. by William Shakespeare To be or not to be a person of integrity, even when it costs you the sale; that is the...

Priceless Love
"AHHHHHH! Help! Oh my God! Help me! Somebody help me!" Panic permeates the atmosphere. Under the terror of darkness, bodies plummet into...

Ears to Hear
With the age of technology constantly influencing our lives, we can protect our most vital and important family relationships by...

Expected Breakthrough
It is said that faith can move mountains. I believe that every act of faith begins with a seed of hope. Hope and faith are eternally...

Give Peace this Christmas
The manger scene seems peaceful with kings bearing gifts, shepherds bowing down, and Mary and Joseph smiling at Jesus. When we take a...

Meditate and Declare
As worship came to a close, the realization that what I wrote in the first 51 pages of my book, Meditate and Declare, to communicate my...

The Power of Love: Face-to-Face
A family member and I were discussing Facebook the other day. We both agreed that while Facebook has a great benefit of sharing memories...

The Power of Looking...
Part I I recently purchased a home and inherited a number of "problems", some big and some small. The drain in my bathtub was...

Target Practice Anyone? Part II
During the recent Incredible Life Makeover Workshop, I took a huge risk to shoot a compound bow at an archery target during the first...